Wanago Canada
Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW)

Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW)

Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW)

The Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program allows Canadian employers to hire foreign workers to fill temporary jobs when qualified Canadians are not available.

Most foreign nationals need a work permit to work in Canada.

Employer-specific work permit

An employer-specific work permit lets you work in Canada according to the conditions on your work permit, such as

  • the name of the specific employer you can work for
  • how long you can work
  • the location where you can work (if applicable)

Before you apply for an employer-specific work permit, your employer must give you

  • a copy of your employment contract
  • 1 of the following:
    • a copy of a LMIA 
    • an offer of employment number (for LMIA-exempt workers)

What is LMIA ?

Is stands for Labor Market Impact Assessments. It’s basically a permission needed by employers that wish to hire a Temporary Foreign Worker. It is operated by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). It determines the likely effect these workers would have on the Canadian labour market. The Program assesses the impact by looking at available labour market information for the region and the occupation, the employers’ recruitment and advertisement efforts, wages and working conditions, labour shortages and the transfer of skills and knowledge to Canadians. The LMIA is a document that serves as proof that the job offered to the foreign worker will have a positive (neutral) effect on the Canadian labour market.

Here is a super website for job searching in Canada. Click here to start your hunt !