Wanago Canada
About Wanago Canada Immigration

About Wanago Canada Immigration

About Wanago Canada Immigration

Wanago Canada Immigration is dedicated to helping families and individuals wishing to immigrate to Canada either on a permanent or temporary basis.

Whether you are a worker, a student, a family member of a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, our team of professionals and experts will help you find ways to smoothly process your immigration application without the common hassles. Remember: with Wanago Canada Immigration we give you peace of mind throughout the whole process. You deserve it.

The immigration process is often a long, frustrating, bureaucratic and expensive process. With our experience and knowledge Wanago Canada Immigration’s team will help you Every Step of the Way from the beginning until the end. You are a couple clicks away from the beginning of your journey to Canada.

We make it happen.

Eric Lussier, RCIC

Eric Lussier, RCIC

Immigration Consultant and Founder of Wanago Canada Immigration
Maria Antonio, B.Sc., BA

Maria Antonio, B.Sc., BA

Wanago Canada Operations Manager