Wanago Canada
Canadian Citizenship

Canadian Citizenship

Canadian Citizenship

Every person born in Canada is automatically (at birth) a Canadian citizen. You can also become a Canadian Citizen if you are a resident permanent. A Canadian citizen by birth and one naturalized have the exact same entitlements and benefits. There is no difference under the law.

Why would I apply ?

There are many reasons but let’s stick to the major ones. There are three main differences between permanent residency a Canadian citizenship. A Canadian citizen can carry a Canadian passport, vote in a Canadian elections or even run a political campaign at any level.

With a Canadian passport you can travel to 170+ countries visa FREE. Canada has one the stronger passport and certainly one of the most sought-after. And the beauty of the Canadian citizenship is that it recognizes dual citizenship. You probably will not need to leave your previous passport (unless your country does not recognize dual citizenship.

Who can apply ?

To become a Canadian citizen, most applicants must

  • be a permanent resident
  • have lived in Canada for at least 3 out of the last 5 years (1,095 days)
  • have filed their taxes
  • pass a citizenship test
  • prove their language skills in English or French

So basically once your application has been approved, the final step is the citizenship test. If you succeed (we don’t see why not…), you will be invite to a citizenship ceremony. And then you will be entitled to get your Canadian passport.

Did you know that Canada has the highest rate of naturalization in the world ? Approximately 85% of eligible permanent residents become citizens.